Medical Pinas

Vaccine Prices Per Shot

Everyone needs minimum protection against preventable diseases. The single shot charge for a vaccine usually ranges from Php 700 to Php 5,500 or more depending on the type. How much is each vaccine?

Vaccine TypePrice Brands
Anti Rabies for HumansPhp 1,500 to Php 2,599Rabipur, Verorab, Speeda
Covid 19Php 1,200 to Php 2,000Astra Zeneca, Pfizer BionTech, Moderna, Sinovac
FluPhp 600 to Php 1,300Fluariz, Vaxigrip, Influvac
Hepatitis APhp Php 3,900 to Php 4,500Havrix
Hepatitis BPhp 3,300 and up
HPV (Cervical Cancer)Php 5,800 to Php 8,500Gardasil 4-valent
Japanese EncephalitisPhp 2,200 to Php 4,000N/A
MMR (Measles)Php 1,350Priorix (when available)
RotavirusPhp 2,300 to Php 2,800
6 in 1 Php 3,800
PentavalentPhp 3,800 to Php 4,300Various
Pneumococcal (Pneumonia) Php 2,360 to Php 3,800Prevnar 13, Pneumovax 23
PolioPhp 1,600OPV, Orimune
RotavirusPhp 3,200 to Php 4,800RotaTeq, Rotarix
Shingles (Zoster)Php 8,000Shingrix
TyphoidPhp 2,070
TDAPPhp 2,070N/A
Varicella (Chickenpox)Php 3,200N/A
TetanusPhp 350 to Php 450Tvac, Sharjvax
TyphoidPhp 2,070 to Php 2,400Typbar
Average prices of vaccines in the Philippines

Anti-Rabies Vaccine Rates

Hospitals and ClinicsPrice (Php)
Valenzuela Animal Bite Center (ERIG)2,000
Makati Medical Center2,610
Southstar Drug (Vaccine Only)1,499
Anti Rabies Price Comparison in Philippine Hospitals

Do I Need Anti-Rabies? See the special instructions by WHO to find out if you need this vaccine.

Category 1Touching or feeding animals, licking or saliva on INTACT skin (no open parts)Not required
Category 2Minor scratches and abrasions without bleeding, nibbling of uncovered skinVaccine is required
Category 3Single or multiple actual bite that breaks the skin (with or without blood), scratches, licking of broken skin, exposure to mucus membranes like the eyes or lipsVaccine is required
Categories of anti rabies shot set by WHO

Anti-Tetanus Prices

Jose Reyes Memorial Medical Centerโ‚ฑ41.97
Makati Medical Center (toxoid)โ‚ฑ139
Bernardino General Hospitalโ‚ฑ400
Hi Precisionโ‚ฑ418
Anti tetanus toxoid vaccine prices in hospitals

Public hospitals usually have cheaper prices because of the subsidy from the government. You may avail these products at a lower cost and sometimes for free (e.g. polio vaccine).

What are the common side effects?

Generally, vaccines do not cause unwanted side effects. However, if one is to have it usually includes mild fever, headache, diarrhea and nausea. Some may have allergic reactions to certain types.

Is there a discount on vaccine fees?

Our mother recently had both flu and pneumonia shots and we are glad that she was given a full 20% discount. Of course, they were given at least 4 weeks apart.

I myself had the 3rd dose for tetanus protection and it is much lower than the first one at Php 300 in a clinic in Quezon City.

Can I use my health card for a vaccine coverage?

HMO cards do not cover vaccination or immunization costs. However, I discovered some health cards that offer vaccination services, but you still have to pay for the product itself. Only the service is covered.

Don’t expect Philhealth to give you a discount for these shots. It does not cover vaccination unless there is a directive for national immunization.

Can I avail an injection service at home?

Vaccination is possible through a home service set up but this is up to your doctor. Some family medicine doctors have special arrangements with their patients so the kids can also enjoy being protected without going to a clinic.

Some clinics and hospitals can administer vaccination in your home. For example, a patient with a disability may avail the service. Additional fees are applied for the service.

Clinics no longer charge patients with a service fee. Upon the purchase of the product, a doctor or nurse will administer it to the patient for free.

The recent pandemic has increased our awareness of vaccination benefits. But for several years now, routine vaccination has always been administered to young children for free as specified in the UNICEF directive.

You need a vaccine to protect you from an infection. In some cases, it is important to have it after an injury (animal bite, wounds).

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Home / Medical Services Prices / Vaccine Prices Per Shot

Last Updated on November 7, 2024 by MedicalPinas


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