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Tubal Ligation Price in Philippine Family Planning

Tubal ligation is widely available in hospitals and clinics. If you intend to undergo this type of family planning, you can do so by knowing the latest price of the procedure.

In the Philippines, the cost of tubal ligation may range from Php 800 to Php 15,000 and up which depends on your preferred hospital. This procedure is available as part of family planning options.

In government hospitals, the price rate may be lower. A cheap ligation price in a public hospital starts from Php 530 and above. Private hospitals on the other hand may offer packages with one day confinement.

Compare Hospital Prices

Hospital NameRates
Metro Iloilo Hospital₱4,000
Fabella Hospital₱530
Prices of tubal ligation in select hospitals

Ligation while on a CS delivery is also an option given by doctors. Some doctors will inform the patient that the procedure is free or included in the Caesarean delivery package.

Promo rates are also offered to individuals who are qualified to undergo the procedure. Some NGOs can sponsor the family planning costs involved.

Where To Go

To know the latest price rates, you may directly contact the hospital where you wish to have it done.

More: Hospital Directory Numbers

The cheaper options may be available through your doctor especially if you have a preferred OB Gyne.

The price in government hospitals are usually lower than their private counterparts. Some of them may even have a cheaper rate depending on the patient classification. Programs are also available where patients may avail the service free of charge. For example, Fabella hospital in Manila offers bilaterial ligation at Php 530 only.

Philhealth offers coverage for ligation. It is a part of a family planning program so you can expect the support of institutions for this procedure. There is a dedicated price coverage that you can see in the case rates.

Read: Philhealth Price Covered

HMO and Health Cards

Does HMO cover family planning procedures? Most of these medical operations may not be covered by a health card. If you have an HMO account, it is best to contact your provider directly to know more about the coverage since it may fall under maternity concerns.

Look: Best HMO For Women

What is tubal ligation? It is a type of family planning method wherein the woman’s Fallopian tube is blocked or cut to prevent pregnancy. Couples may opt to have the procedure if they find contraceptives ineffective.

Bilateral tubal ligation is one of the types and this involves both the Fallopian tubes. You may ask about it from your doctor if you are a candidate for the medical service.

Reverse Ligation

Some women may opt to reverse it when they have decided to get pregnant again. However, the price may be more expensive which could start from Php 100,000. Moreover, the process will depend whether there is still tube area remaining for reversal or if it is not yet damaged.

Recovery Time

Most women do not need any special confinement after the procedure. You may go home the same day after the surgery. Just like with any other medical procedures, it is best to follow up with your doctor after the set schedule.

Is It Effective

Researched data shows that tubal ligation is about 99% effective when it comes to family planning intent.

The ideal age of the patient may start from Php 25-35 years old. You should consult your OB Gyne whether you are a good candidate for the procedure.

References: HopkinsMedicine

About the Author: The MedicalPinas team publishes articles to help Filipinos find info on various medical services and their prices.


3 responses to “Tubal Ligation Price in Philippine Family Planning”

  1. Marilyn soriaga Avatar
    Marilyn soriaga

    I have asking siliman medical center here at negros oriental they said the liggetion cost 60k to 80k why so expensive?

    1. Medical Pinas Avatar
      Medical Pinas

      Hi, tubal ligation price is predicted by the type of procedure, your hospitalization and doctor’s fee. You may however use ways to reduce the price such as health card.

  2. Rosalie B. Castanares Avatar
    Rosalie B. Castanares

    How much your tubal ligation?

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