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Bone Fracture Surgery Price in the Philippines

You may not hear a crack but bone fractures can suddenly become a nightmare. These conditions can limit your physical ability to move and prevent you from doing daily tasks. If you happen to have an existing fracture, read on and see the price of bone fracture surgery among hospitals.


Bone fracture can happen suddenly or gradually. You can have a fracture due to injuries or from an underlying medical condition that eats up your bone. Makati Medical Center’s article indicates that even diseases like osteoporosis can weaken the bones, increasing their risk for fractures. Fractures may also arise from overusing a certain body part which is commonly observed among athletes.

If your activities put you at risk for fractures, it is best to know a few details on first aid to limit the effects of broken bones.

Types of Fractures

Our body is made up of hundreds of bones. They are all at risk of getting fractured due to accidents, injuries or diseases. Some of the most common ones include:

  • Arm bone
  • Collarbone
  • Clavicle Foot and legs

Price of Surgery for Bone Fractures

Bone fracture surgery in the Philippines may range from Php 30,000 and above depending on whether you need an implant or not. Those that require it can reach up to Php Php 400,000 or more, not to mention physical therapy and recovery medications.

Remember that even before you undergo surgery, expenses pile up. First, the doctor may request imaging tests like CT scan or MRI. For some, X-ray may be enough. But you probably know that these tests require payment right?

There is no definite cost when it comes to surgery of a fractured bone. Certain factors will contribute to the overall price of the surgery including but not limited to surgeon’s fee, room and board, operating room and rehab treatment.

Orthopedic Surgery Cost

Orthopedic surgery costs in general may command different rates. The cost may start from Php 90,000 in private hospitals and is based on the actual surgery procedure types.

Bone Cement Price Rate

Prices for bone cement to heal fractures may range from Php 5,000 to Php 8,000 and above. Cementing the bone fractures may be recommended by a doctor which largely depends on the patient’s condition. In some cases, it may only be needed to heal the damaged bone apart from physical therapy.

Leg casts and arm casts are the most common cementing procedures for fractures. The price for arm and leg cast starts from Php 5,000

Cheap Bone Surgery

A cheaper option for bone surgery can be availed at any government hospital. The Philippine Orthopedic Center may just be the right hospital for you if budget is a concern. But be aware that long lines are expected in such a hospital type.

Best Hospital for Bone Fracture

One of the primary hospitals where people avail bone fracture services is the Philippine Orthopedic Center. The hospital has highly experienced doctors and surgeons not to mention the price rates are cheaper. However, you can still go to any hospitals in your location for convenience.

Philhealth Coverage

Can I use my Philhealth for bone surgery? It is actually one of the best ways to utilize your account. For fractures, expect to have deductions amounting up to Php 70,000. For example, according to their website, the case rate coverage for certain implants for bone surgeries can range from around Php 70,000 to Php 103,000 especially for 66 years old and above.

If you have an HMO, certain discounts or coverage may be availed. Bone surgery usually requires recovery periods which could mean confinement. This means that your room will be covered since it is the most common benefit among HMOs.

Titanium Plate Price

The price of titanium plate or implant is higher compared to other materials for bone fractures. The implant material alone can cost up to Php 90,000 depending on the type. Sometimes, materials may need to be imported from abroad which increases the cost.

Bone Implant

Implants in the bone may be needed in order to re-attach its parts. In some cases, an implant surgery needed for a fracture may cost around Php 150,000. But every patient will have a unique set of needs to heal fractures.

Senior Patients with Bone Fracture

Senior citizens can enjoy a lower overall price due to their ID discount. Up to 20% may be given to senior citizens who will avail surgery packages for bone fractures.

Children and Adults

The cost of bone surgery among children will largely depend on the injury type. Some patients may need a bone cast while others may need implants.

References: Medicinenet

About the Author: The MedicalPinas team publishes articles to help Filipinos find info on various medical services and their prices.

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