Home / Surgery and Procedure Prices / Vitrectomy Price in Philippines: Reduce Floaters and Dots

Vitrectomy Price in Philippines: Reduce Floaters and Dots

Last Updated on September 13, 2024 by MedicalPinas

The price of vitrectomy may range from Php 40,000 to as much as Php 180,000 or more. Find more info on the pricing by getting a quote. There may be other procedure types but this is the usual case to relieve pressure in the retina.

Hospitals for Surgery

Here are some prices we have gathered from hospitals.

  • Makati Medical Center – Php 40,000 to Php 100,000 (pars plana)

Reducing the Price

I’ve looked into the case rate and Philhealth seems to cover it starting from Php 24,000. This is a great deal especially if it will greatly treat your symptoms.

We were informed by one public hospital in Manila and indicated that the procedure costs Php 70,000 as a package rate. This could be the cheapest price that you may find.

What if it is a retinal detachment? Your doctor can quickly evaluate your eyes and see if this is your concern. Be prepared because the procedure for it is also expensive. A retinal detachment is a medical emergency so you better prepare for its cost if needed.

It may be a separate surgery that will deal with fixing one’s eye problems. In my case, I had to consult an increase in floaters but the doctor said this surgery is not needed.

Recovery Time

The time to recover from surgery will vary. However, it may also be an outpatient procedure especially if the eye surgery is completed in a few hours. Still, the doctor will provide instructions on what to do at home after the surgery.

References: ASRS, WebMD


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