Home / Surgery and Procedures / Prostate Finger Exam to Detect Cancer Among Men

Prostate Finger Exam to Detect Cancer Among Men

Have you ever experienced having a digital rectal exam? It may sound a high tech test but it is simpler than you thought. Among men, this exam is important to see if there are tumors in the prostate gland. If you need to undergo a prostate examination, learn more about the procedure and its price.

According to ClevelandClinic, the appropriate age for a prostate finger exam starts from age 50. But those with family history of prostate cancer may start at 45.

Your Symptoms

You have probably come to the doctor because you have the following symptoms:

  • Heavy sensation in the lower abdomen (puson)
  • Difficulty with urinating
  • Low pressure flow of urine
  • Feels like you did not fully emptied out your urinary bladder
  • Pain when ejaculating semen

What is the Finger Test?

DRE or Digital Rectal Exam is the term used for prostate finger test. This will help the doctor assess whether your prostate has an abnormal size, shape or firmness. Based on the doctor that we asked, they will initially suspect prostate cancer if they felt that the prostate gland is hard.

Later, he will have to request for other diagnostic tests like ultrasound, blood test and even biopsy to confirm diagnosis. In most cases, the prostate is found to be enlarged and inflamed, which is considered to be benign, thus referred to Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia.

How Much is Prostate Finger Exam?

The test will be considered a routine exam when you consult a urologist. Once you have provided your symptoms, the doctor will most likely conduct a finger exam in your prostate. The prostate finger exam price in the Philippines is Php 1,000 to Php 1,500 which is the consultation fee of the doctor. You may check out the consultation price of a urologist among hospitals.

How Is DRE Done?

There is no preparation needed for the digital rectal exam. The doctor will use gloves and apply lubricant to his finger/s. Depending on the doctor’s instructions, you may bend, lie on your back or sideways before the exam. The finger will be inserted into your anus up to the point where the prostate is. He will gently feel the prostate and check if it is hard, rubbery or has a potential tumor.

Final Thoughts

Finger test for the prostate can save lives. The earlier you have your symptoms check, the better the outlook will be is cancer is present. For the most part, an enlarged prostate is a natural part of aging but may still results to uncomfortable symptoms. That’s why it is best to have your condition checked by a doctor.

About the Author: The MedicalPinas team publishes articles to help Filipinos find info on various medical services and their prices.

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