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Anti-Tetanus Vaccine Price: Rusty Nails and Other Sources

As a kid, we grew up with the idea that all rusty nails have tetanus. While this is sometimes true, not all infections are caused by a random nail with rust. There are different ways you can get tetanus and you should be vigilant in knowing them. Find out more how you can protect yourself by looking at the anti tetanus vaccine price.

A published research by BMC Infectious Diseases indicates that while tetanus incidence has been decreasing around the world, tetanus remains endemic in the Philippines. This goes to show that people are still not aware of the importance of vaccination and proper wound care.

It is quite easy for us to get a tetanus shot because of its accessibility and relatively affordable price. In fact, it is one of the most vaccine preventable diseases.

Do I Need The Vaccine?

You probably know the answer to the question. If you have a deep wound due to a dirty material, it is advisable to get the shot. If you are unsure, it is best to consult a doctor to evaluate your condition. Some are classified as “clean wounds” so a tetanus shot will not be needed.

In any case, here are the conditions that may require tetanus vaccination:

  • Wound due to sharp and blunt objects (considered dirty with soil and animal wastes)
  • Recently underwent surgery
  • After an animal bite or scratch (aside from anti-rabies)
  • Exposure to animal waste, feces, manure
  • Soil with tetanus

What if I Don’t Get the Vaccine?

You are actually risking an infection. In the event that you are exposed to the bacteria, it would be hard to recover from it and you may need hospitalization. Not to scare you but here are the possible complications in case a person becomes infected:

  • Lockjaw (your jaw will become hard and stiff and not movable in most cases)
  • Fever and headache
  • Seizures
  • Paralysis
  • Muscle spasms
  • Death in severe cases

Where Can I Get the Vaccine

The shot is easy to get since most hospitals have it at their emergency room. However, diagnostic centers also have the vaccine but they may require scheduling. If you went to an animal bite center, they will probably also give you anti tetanus apart from the rabies shot.

For those who just had caesarean section, anti tetanus vaccine is given to mothers as a standard to prevent infections. In this regard, the Philippines has reached the elimination of maternal and neonatal tetanus according to a UNICEF report.

How Much is Tetanus Injection?

You will be surprised that anti-tetanus shots are quite affordable. There is actually no reason for you to ignore it to have minimal protection. The price of anti tetanus vaccine in the Philippines starts at Php 350. Check the price list among clinics to have better budget planning.

See: Price List of Vaccines in the Philippines

For your reference, the cheapest tetanus antitoxin that we have found costs only Php 150 per shot in one rural health unit. This is one good reason for you to get vaccinated.

Here are some more prices of the vaccine among hospitals, diagnostic centers and pharmacies:

Can I Get a Shot Even Without A Wound?

Yes, you can actually set an appointment to get immunized. It is not a requirement to have a wound to have the vaccine. You may talk to your doctor about your plan to have an injection to protect you against the infection in the future.

Is There are free injection? It is possible that some public hospitals offer vaccination for the bacteria. However, they are usually seasonal and you need to coordinate with the local health center.

Now, have you decided whether to get a shot or not? Always be proactive with your health and prevent any infections like tetanus.

About the Author: The MedicalPinas team publishes articles to help Filipinos find info on various medical services and their prices.

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